Custom pages

Curbcut partnered with the United Way of Greater Montreal to develop custom pages on the Curbcut Montreal platform to host and organize their data. We guided them in categorizing and presenting their information effectively.

Curbcut partnered with the United Way of Greater Montreal from May 2022 to December 2023. United Way lacked the internal capacity to process and visualize large datasets. Curbcut provided the platform necessary to host United Way’s data while guiding them in how best to categorize and present their information. United Way was especially interested in analysis and visualization related to housing.

The project aimed to integrate two large cross-tabulations from Statistics Canada into the Curbcut platform, as well as enabling communication between these tables and the existing data on the platform (climate change risks, accessibility to schools, grocery stores, hospitals, etc.). Curbcut provided consultation, data curation, and design and development on theme-related pages on the online platform. The main objective of this project was to provide United Way’s employees and partner organizations with a visualization tool to easily understand the interaction between housing and other urban issues.

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